I bought Sam Calagione's Extreme Brewing
last year, and have been brewing his peppercorn rye-bock. Everyone except BJCP judges love it, but that's for another post.
So today I thought I would brew Kiwit from the book:
BJCP Style and Style Guidelines
19-B Belgian & French Ale, Witbier
Min OG: 1.042 Max
OG: 1.055
Min IBU: 15 Max IBU: 22
Min Clr: 2 Max
Clr: 4 Color in SRM, Lovibond
Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (GAL): 5.00
Total Extract (LBS):
Anticipated OG: 1.042
Anticipated SRM:
Anticipated IBU: 18.6
Wort Boil Time: 60
% Amount Name
100.0 6.00 lbs. German Weizenmalt
1.035 7
Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
0.50 oz. Cascade Pellet 6.30 15.5
60 min.
0.50 oz. Cascade Pellet
6.30 3.1 10 min.
Amount Name Type Time
4.00 Lbs kiwi, peeled and cubed Fruit 0 Min.(boil)
0.50 Oz Corriander Seed Spice 10 Min.(boil)
1.00 Tsp Irish Moss Fining 10 Min.(boil)
White Labs WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale
The recipe calls for the kiwis to stay in primary. I know, I know. That's not the way it is supposed to be done. But I'm trying the recipe first.
Labels: Kiwit