Write your Legislator Now!
Current Texas law prohibits brewers from selling their product directly to consumers on the brewery premises. Wine makers are allowed to sell their product at the winery, and no wholesaler, distributor or retailer has gone out of business.
Today, assurbanipaul posted on the Texas Beer blog that Rep. Lon Burnam of Tarrant County introduced HB1062 and Sen. Wendy Davis, also from Fort Worth introduced SB754. At worst, if this bill passes, a couple of jobs might be created. And in these difficult times, that's important.
These bills will face strong opposition by the state's wholesalers and distributors, who contribute to almost all political campaigns.
Write your state representative and your state senator today. And a letter to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor couldn't hurt. . .
Labels: Beer Politics
posted by hiikeeba at 06:38 0 comments