What Climate Change Means for Wineries: England Gets its Wine Industry Back?
Remember Global Warming (Praise Gaia and her anointed profit* Al Gore.)? Ever since he admitted that he lied in his movie to emphasize his point, the Church of Global Warming has called it "Climate Change."
Here's an pretty interesting article on what a few degrees temperature change could mean to the wine industry. Some good points scattered throughout, as well.
For the record, I do not believe Global Warming to be anthropogenic. I believe that man's activities accelerate Global Warming, but did not cause it. We came out of a mini ice age in the mid 19th century, so of course global temperatures are rising. They are not quite up to 13th century temperatures yet.
In the 13th Century, according to Brian Fagan's The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History, 1300-1850, England had a thriving wine industry. The wines were comparable to French wines, and the French were worried about imports cutting into their business. Then the Little Ice Age hit, and temperatures plummeted 10 degrees. Since England couldn't grow grapes for any longer, they started growing grain for beer.
So what would Global Warming mean to the wine industry? England will make good wine again.
* I meant to spell it that way. He is profiting from the hysteria he produces.
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posted by hiikeeba at 06:58 1 comments