Yes, I'm a Wimp!
I just opened a bottle of Sam Adams Double Bock.
As the song goes: "Meow meow meow meow/ Meow meow meow meow/ Meow meow meow meow. . ."
Man! I'm a pussy. I want session beers.
I mean it's good, but, I want something less malty. I want something that kind of sparkles on the palate. I don't want something that tastes like I just drank a bottle of syrup.
Apparently, most homebrewers want to brew barleywines, eisbocks, Belgian Tripels, and stuff with an alcohol content above 9%.
Well, not me. The line must be drawn here!

Look! I'm an old man. I can't hang with the kids any more. I crash early and hangovers hurt more than they used to. I just can't do it any longer.
So forgive me if I try smaller beers. I hope you won't hate me.
Labels: Beer Philosophy
posted by hiikeeba at 19:04 0 comments