18 February 2013

Corncob "Maple" Syrup

I mentioned a Countryside Magazine article last time. It suggested replacing water in your extract beer with maple syrup.

Well, suppose that you can't get that much maple syrup.  What do you do then?

"Cover one dozen large, clean corn cobs with water; boil one to two hours. Drain off the water and strain it (there should be 1 pint of it).  Add 2 lbs of brown sugar to this and boil to desired thickness."

Besides flying squarely in the face of a pissed off Charlie P, I wonder if there would be any advantage to using the corn water?

Don't look at me. I'm not gonna try it. I hate corn. And even if I liked it, I'd need at least 480 corncobs, and I don't live in corn country. Maybe someone from out there would like to give it a try. . .


posted by hiikeeba at 08:22


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