24 March 2011

Me bairns! Me poor wee bairns!

There comes a time in every parent's life when he must let go of his progeny, and allow them to leave the safety of the nest and face the hostile world out beyond, where by their behavior, our success as a parent can be judged.

And so it is with me today.  I have sent my offspring, the fruit of my loins, as it were, off to NHC for judging.

I am sending Saison du Permienne, Bugeater's Winter-Warmerized Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Amber, Dirktastic, Pecan Porter, Shadow Warrior and Belgo-Wiezen.  And they are being sent in an eBeaver beer shipping box.  I highly recommend them.

I was going to also send an Oatmeal Stout, but it went bad in the bottle, and a Coconut Oatmeal Stout, the same oatmeal stout that went bad with a couple drops of coconut extract in each bottle.

So now my legacy is on their way to Dallas where my worth as a human being will be judged based on the tastes of these 6 beers.  But, I can handle it!  I know the depression from losing will only last a few months.


posted by hiikeeba at 13:52


Anonymous Chance said...

Good luck to you, the oatmeal raisin beer sounds great! I sent in a mild and a brown ale to Dallas.

5:06 PM  
Blogger hiikeeba said...

Since we aren't competing in the same categories: Good luck to you, too.

3:45 PM  

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