Labatt's buys discount brewer?
Over on the Beer Blog, Stephen Beaumont reports that Labatt's Brewing, owned by InBev, is trying to buy Canadian discount brewer Lakeport Brewing Company, whose discount prices have propelled it to the third largest Ontario brewery. InBev generally buys and and then closes breweries to reduce costs, laying off thousands of people worldwide.
Stephen speculates that instead of closing or discontinuing the Lakeport discount line, Labatt's will stop promoting the line, hoping to lure the Lakeport drinkers to the more profitable Labatt's line. This is how Miller handled Celis beers in the 90s.
Labels: Beer News
posted by hiikeeba at 10:13

Wow! A blog on beer! You're now my new best friend. I'm so glad Dr. John sent me over to visit, and belly up to the bar.
Except, I'm in Ga and it's Sunday and we're not allowed to chug one without the provision of food being served also.
So Beef Stew is simmering in the crock and tonight - being the beer snob that I am. Where like wine, certain beers go with certain meals. Tonight - requires a pint of black & tan.
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