Brother Spud's Oatmeal Stout
My cousin, Satan (As in "Get thee behind me..." He says all his friend's wives are convinced he's Satan, sent to lead their spouses into temptation.), is getting back into brewing. About six or seven years ago, he and a friend (now deceased) brewed an Oatmeal Stout and won second place in regional competitions leading up to the national AHA contest.
Here then is his recipe:
Brother Spud's Oatmeal Stout (All-Grain)
7 lb Marris Otter Malt
1.13 lb roasted barley
1 lb German wheat malt
1/2 lb Crystal malt 15° L
1/2 lb Crystal malt 80° L
1.13 lb flaked oats
1 lb flaked barley
2 tsp gypsum
0.9 oz English Kent Goldings 6.2%AA/90 minutes
0.8 oz English Kent Goldings 6.2%AA/15 minutes
Irish Ale yeast
Use 10 quarts strike water at 175°F. Mash for one hour. Sparge. Boil mash 2 hours. Cool and pitch yeast.
Forgive me if the recipe is incomplete. Satan did say, "I'm using an infusion mash with a two hour boil time." I don't do all grain recipes.
His OG was 1.060. When he bottled the beer, the FG was 1.030. I think he should have let it ferment a few more days. But he's confident that everything will turn out fine. I can't wait to try it.
Labels: Recipes
posted by hiikeeba at 09:13

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