04 November 2013

Jester King Apologizes for Long Lines at Funk n' Sour Event

I didn't get to go to the last month's Funk n’ Sour Fest at Jester King Brewery because I had to work. Sounds like that was a good thing, because Jester King issued an apology for the long line of people waiting to get a bottle to go of the sour beers.

That's the problem, however, when you have limited release, artificially scarce beers. People want a bottle for themselves (or eBay, don't get me started). There was an interesting sentence in the apology, that clearly illustrates the problem: "We’re sorry that our attendees had to spend too much of their time at our brewery waiting in line, as opposed to enjoying a beer list we are very proud of."

It was an amazing list of beers, and I guess no one bothered to drink much of it because they wanted a bottle for themselves. At least that's how it read to me. And that's why I no longer go to any bottle releases.

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posted by hiikeeba at 08:00


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