Big Texas Beer Fest
Last weekend, by brother and I went to Dallas for the Big Texas Beer Festival at the State Fairgrounds. We arrived a couple of hours early, remembering the chaos that occurred last year.
The organizers had made an addition, barriers that created three lanes for people, but all three lanes were open at the entry vestibule.
As more and more people arrived, the first words out of anyone's mouths were, "Is this the VIP line?" Someone told us that no, this was the General Admission line and pointed to the middle door of the Automotive Building. So, lemminglike, two dozen people traipsed down to the middle door and found someone who said the VIP entrance was at the door on the other side of the barriers. So the pack of VIPs walked back the other way, only to be told by a very angry organizer that get back in the chutes, leave us alone because we're having a meeting.
As our pack of lemmings waddled back to the chutes, I said out loud, "They make these things called signs. . ."
Eventually all was explained and soon we were inside.
The fest had some nice changes: Live music was outside, six food trucks, and a great selection of beer! I'd made a point to hit all the Dallas area breweries, and was impressed with all of them. Once while waiting in the long line for Deep Ellum beers, I noticed that the organizers did indeed have signs!
Too bad they didn't put them up.
Unfortunately, by the time the riff raff (GA, as the organizers affectionately referred to them) got in, the lines got ridiculously huge, and the noise of so many people talking in a barn was deafening! The organizers should have hung baffles along the ceiling.
Over all, we had a very good time, and are looking forward to next year.
Labels: Big Texas Beer Fest
posted by hiikeeba at 08:00

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