Reality Sets In
While speaking with my brewing partner about kegging and planning our next brews, he told me he didn't want to do this every weekend. He has a hundred other hobbies, literally. He says he ADD: he moves from one thing to another. I've come to realize that while I have a hundred other hobbies, literally, I'm more obsessive/compulsive about it: I focus on one hobby at a time then I move on to the next one for a while. I forget that others aren't as interested as I in my hobbies.
So our brewing will now be at his schedule. He's offered the use of his place anytime I want, which I appreciate, but I will never take up him up on the offer. It's his property, his shed, his house, yada yada yada.
I may, however, resume brewing at home. I can do smaller batches on my schedule. At least until I lose focus and move on to whatever's new.
posted by hiikeeba at 19:15 0 comments