25 March 2011

The Edges of the Great Texas Beer Desert are Shifting

Here in Paradise, we are at the edge of the Great Texas Beer Desertâ„¢--that vast expanse of nothing but Bud-Miller-Coors (and the occasional bottle of a German import) that runs from Mason to west to the Borders, with exceptions in Eola, Midland-Odessa, Lubbock and El Paso.  Sure, we can get some of the bigger craft beers, as the local beer distributors reluctantly use craft beers like Samuel Adams to cling to the precious shelf space, and keeping the other distributors' craft beers off the shelf.  (Don't get me started on freakin' distributors!)

Even as Craft Beer has exploded in Austin, and begun blooming in San Antonio, here I sit watching from the sidelines as everyone in Austin and San Antonio enjoy truly excellent, locally produced craft beers.  Because of their small size, the small breweries in Austin and San Antonio can't bring their beer to my market (Though they can haul it to Houston and DFW--again, don't get me started!)  So I have to pester my local liquor store to get some of the cool beers being produced in Texas.

Every once in a while, it pays off!

Jester King Black Metal has arrived in Fredericksburg!  O! Joyous Day!

Do I dare hope that Ranger Creek (who is the only other craft brewer I know of that has a bottling program) will soon arrive with La Bestia Amiable, or, even better, OPA?

Please, please, please, please let this be the beginning of the end, the fraying of the edges of the Great Texas Beer Desert.

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posted by hiikeeba at 16:31


Blogger hiikeeba said...

For the record, I understand that the economy of scale almost prohibits distribution to smaller towns. Here, they could sell only a few cases. In Houston or DFW, Ranger Creek can sell hundreds of cases, making it a better business decision.

But I can hope, right?

4:42 PM  

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