Skirt Lifter Imperial Hefeweizen

Frankly, I don't understand the whole "Imperial" thing. There are Imperial Stouts, Imperial Pale Ales, Imperial Pilsners, and Imperial Oktoberfests. I'm sure someone, somewhere is even toying with an Imperial Dopplebock.
Anyway, I ran across a recipe on the Brewing Network Forums a while back (can't remember who posted it, I think it was Bub), and added it to my list of things to try. Now, many months later, I think I am ready to try it.
Skirt Lifter Imperial Hefeweiss
12 lbs wheat malt extract
1/4 oz Horizon 13%/60
1/4 oz Argentine Cascade/5
1/4 oz Argentine Cascade/0
2 vials WLP300 Hefeweis yeast
Est. OG 1.072
Northern Brewer had the 60-40 Wheat malt extract I was looking for, but no European hops. I couldn't even find any hops below 12% AAU ! The Argentine Cascade, the site informed me, are not a substitute for American Cascadem but for Hallertauer. We'll see.
Update: It was Bub who posted the original recipe on The Brewing Network Forums.
Labels: Imperial Hefeweiss
posted by hiikeeba at 08:43 2 comments