TABC Lunacy
Before I get too far into this, I should point out that the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission enforces the laws passed by the State Legislature.
I recently received an email from Rahr & Sons Brewing and something in the newsletter sparked a rant. Here's the text:
PUB CRAWLRemember - we can't tell you where we will be as the TABC will not allow that... But we give you really "HARD" clues to figure out where we will be from one point to the next......... I think you can figure it out for a RAHR BEER!!!!!! At the end of the evening we will be giving out great Rahr items and remember - DESIGNATED DRIVERS are welcome and always needed.The next pub crawl will be next Friday, November 16th.We are hitting the Stockyards and we're hitting them hard!HERE is the SCHEDULE:1) 6-7:00 PM We will start at this great little Wine and Beer Boutique. It's our LONESTAR's best and one of the first to sell Rahr beer in the Stockyards!!!!2) 7-8:00 PM Walk across the TRAIL with your BOSS to have a burger and a Rahr Beer3) I heard an ALBINO ELEPHANT does not like beer - well maybe he hasn't had a RAHR BEER Before. Maybe tonight we can give him one. From 8-9:00 PM we can test this theory at this Fort Worth Institution4) From 9-10:00 PM we will walk over to a great STEAKHOUSE where the CATTLE run scared and the MEN are hungry !!!!!5) From 10-11:00 pm we will go next door to a place that has welcomed RAHR beer and where the Buffalo Butt's roam. This Hotel/Bar/Restaurant has always been a huge RAHR SUPPORTER - So lets finish up strong at this welcoming water hole It's not at G2 - but you might find it one more down the list - G2's Neighbor! A, B, C, D, E, F, G, _, I, J.......... and 1, 2, _, 4, 5,HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE - Regards and remember to DRINK RESPONSIBLYThe RAHR BEER GANG !!!!!!!
Notice that the brewery can't tell you where to buy their beer. No other industry in the state of Texas is prohibited from telling you where to purchase their product. Wineries, I am reasonably sure, can tell you what stores and bars sell their product. But breweries can't. That's something that needs to be changed.
I am thinking about a couple of other things that the Legislature needs to address: sales on microbrewery grounds and brewpubs packaging and selling their beers through wholesalers.
If you live in Texas, contact your legislator. Tell them about this email. Tell them you think it's stupid.
Labels: Beer Politics
posted by hiikeeba at 20:59

For the record, these rules apply to wineries as well. It is not legal in the state of Texas to advertise a location where an alcoholic product is sold.
The reason is ancient laws intended to "prevent" monopolies (which really just protect monopolies). The theory is that the manufacturer could be in cahoots with a retailer and help drive that retailers competitors out of business.
The easy solution is to dismantel TABC and completely re-write the laws regarding alcohol (instead of putting the 50,001st bandaid on a broken limb).
Can you tell I have opinions on the subject? ;)
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