A dream or an Omen?
Satan has been thinking about opening a brewery in a couple of years, when we both turn 50. I showed him the article in Forbes about Brock Wagner and Saint Arnold, and he whined something about needing money. I suppose I was thinking about that the other night when I had a dream that he was brewing his first commercial batch of Wit Willie. It was in some auto garage, and there were about 30 people there watching and helping. I don't know why he was making a roux, but Satan was stirring the flour and oil together something fierce. I was explaining the process to some n00b and called it a decoction. Then I went off looking for corny kegs to put the beer in.
See? Satan will have a brewery! He'll just make gumbo beer.
See? Satan will have a brewery! He'll just make gumbo beer.
posted by hiikeeba at 08:24

Gumbeaux Pale Ale! Can't wait!
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