Coconut Chocolate Stout Kegged

The stout is in the keg. The FG was 1.015 (OG was 1.059), which gives it 5.5% alcohol.
The sample tasted slightly chocolaty. The recipe called for the coco powder to be mixed with the water and sugar at kegging. Last time I did that, the beer was gritty This time, I added the coco powder and 1 cup of boiling water to the beer in secondary, where I hoped the beer would pick up some of the flavor without the grit. I also noticed some alcoholy/phenoly off flavors that might be a result of too high a fermentation temperature. The alcohol seemed to get high in the nose, if you know what I mean. Otherwise, it tasted darn nice. A couple of weeks in the closet to carbonate, then a few weeks in the cooler to age, and it should be good to drink by, say by Oktoberfest. If I can keep my hands off it.
Labels: Chocolate Coconut Stout
posted by hiikeeba at 11:24

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