Texas Beer Freedom
The fight for HB 660, which would allow brew pubs to sell beer to distributors and enter the supply chain has a new tool: www.texasbeerfreedom.org. Texas Beer Freedom is raising money to help with expenses related to
ensuring HB 660's passage, most importantly a lobbyist to help the bill get through the legislature, and a consulting firm to help with events
coordination and PR. While you and I writing our legislator every day to voice our opinion is a good thing, politicians really only listen to lobbyists, not to the hoi polloi.
Head on over to TexasBeerFreedom.com, and shoot 'em a $20 bill. It's a good cause. And keep writing your Legiscritter. Maybe if we bother them enough, they will do what we want them to do, rather than what large corporations want them to do.
Head on over to TexasBeerFreedom.com, and shoot 'em a $20 bill. It's a good cause. And keep writing your Legiscritter. Maybe if we bother them enough, they will do what we want them to do, rather than what large corporations want them to do.
Labels: Beer Politics
posted by hiikeeba at 14:46

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