Twisted Pine Billy's Chilies Beer Review

Twisted Pine Billy's Chilies
"Our Chili beer is made with five different kinds of chili peppers. Rich pepper aroma greets you when the bottle is opened, followed by its satisfying beer taste and then subtle spiciness." -- From the label.
Appearance (0-4): Pours up a crystal clear golden yellow with a dense white head. 4 points
Aroma (0-3): Dear Lord, forgive me for what I am about to drink. Strong pepper aroma. Smells appetizing, like a can of diced green chilies. To hell with style, it smells awesome! 3 points
Taste: Hop/malt Balance (0-4): Hops? In this beer, the chilies are the bitterness and the balance is very good. It has a fresh, green chili taste from the Anaheim chili. Maybe the Fresno chili. I don't know. Never had one. Starts with slightly sweet malt, replaced with green chili flavor. The heat comes in in the finish. Despite the label's warning of serrano, jalapeno and habanero chilies, it's not too overpowering. At first. 3 points
Aftertaste (0-3): This beer leaves a subtle tingling heat that builds with each sip. 2 points
Mouthfeel (0-3): Thin and watery. But mouthfeel isn't what you're looking for with this beer. 1 point
Overall Impression (0-3): This is a dare beer. While I admire the balance and flavor, I can't imagine drinking more than one at a time. 1 point
Total: 14 points
Labels: Beer Review
posted by hiikeeba at 07:33

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