Betty Faulker Bock III
On August 25, I went to Midland to brew beer with my cousin, known here as Satan. Satan started brewing about 12 years ago with his best friend, Buddy Harry. Buddy had a way with names, and they came up with some doozies: Penche Madre Peach Wheat, Alimony Ale--Bitter as Hell, Brother Spud's Oatmeal Stout, and Betty Faulker Bock.
Betty Faulker Bock III
1 lb pale malt
10 lbs Munich Malt
8 oz 2°L white wheat
8 oz Crystal 120°L Crystal
2 oz chocolate malt
1 0z Hallertauer 3.25% 60 minutes
1 oz Hallertauer 3.25% 30 minutes
1 oz Hallertauer 3.25% 5 minutes
Alt yeast
Bring 7 gallons of water to 170°F, and add to grains, striking in at 96° for 20 minutes. Remove 1/4 of the thick mash and bring to 122° over 15 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes. Raise to 1497deg; over 15 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes. Raise to boiling over 15 minutes and boil for 30 minutes. Stir to prevent scorching. Return small mash to the main mash and adjust temperature to 122°, and hold for 110 minutes.
Remove 1/4 of the thick mash and bring to a boil over 15 minutes. Boil for 30 minutes. Stir to prevent scorching. Return small mash to the main mash and adjust temperature to 146-151° and hold for 30 minutes.
Remove 1/3 of the thin mash, and heat to boiling over 15 minutes. Boil for 15 minutes and return to main mash. Sparge with 170° water and collect about 7.5 gallons.
Boil for 90 minutes.
OG 1.062
Satan woke me up at 7 am on Saturday morning and we drove to the lab where he works. We set about prepping and by 9 am we were mashing. At 3 pm, we had sparged, and had the mash liquor in the boiling kettle. After a quick lunch at Micheal's Charcoal Grill, home of the King Kong Burger (great place with really good burgers) we returned to the lab to boil for 90 minutes. At 6 pm, we had finished the boil and started cleaning up. We got back to Satan's Lair at 7:30 pm to rest our weary feet.
Labels: Betty Faulker Bock, Satan
posted by hiikeeba at 15:51

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