Real Ale Brewhouse Brown Ale Clone - Review
I managed to wait until last weekend to taste the Brewhouse Brown Ale Clone I brewed on Easter Sunday.
It's a great recipe! Here's how I scored the first pint.
Brewhouse Brown Ale Clone
Appearance (0-3): Dark brown with ruby highlights. Tan head with small bubbles that dissipate slowly. A few "floaties" in the brew, but it is unfiltered. 2 pts.
Aroma/Bouquet (0-4): Malty/chocolately aroma with a hint of alcohol. No hop aroma detected. 3 pts.
Taste: Hop/Malt Balance (0-4): Malt sweetness accented by chocolate notes and a hint of alcohol. Hops on the finish. 4 pts.
Aftertaste (0-3): Leaves a ring of sugar on the lips. Hop bitterness on the back of the tongue is a little harsh. 2 pts.
Mouthfeel (0-3): Feels just right. Not too thin, not too thick. 3 pts.
Overall Impression (0-3): This is a very drinkable beer. Despite the hint of alcohol, not too strong. It's sweet and smooth. This is a recipe I will brew again and again. A point off for the floaties. 2 pts. Total: 16 points
I did sample a Real Ale original Brown Ale. It had more roasted grain flavor than I remember. The sad part, the clone recipe was given by Real Ale Brewery. They must be protecting their real recipe.
Anyway, I want to encourage everyone to brew this recipe. I had forgotten how easy a brown ale is to brew, and how good it is.
Labels: Brown Ale Clone
posted by hiikeeba at 10:22

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