04 September 2012

". . .and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is Still Dead."

From the Department of the Blindingly Obvious:

College binge drinkers are happier than non-bingers, mainly because of the status of binge-drinking, and the social aspects of it, a study has reported.

They found that students who were in high-status groups — wealthy, white, male, participating in Greek life — were more satisfied socially than those in low-status groups — less wealthy, racial minorities, female, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer (LGBTQ), not participating in a fraternity or sorority.
The study further found that high-status students were far more likely than low-status students to be binge drinkers. It also found that low-status students could boost their social satisfaction so it was about the same as that of high-status students by binge drinking. Conversely, high-status students who didn’t binge drink had lower levels of social satisfaction than did high-status binge drinkers.
In other words, binge drinkers aren't binging because their depressed. They are binging because they are trying to improve their social standing.


posted by hiikeeba at 10:00


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