3Tail Bottle Release Review

Just so you know, I really like Freetail Brewing Company. Great food, great beer, amazing view, and it's the third closest brew pub to my house. So when they announced a 3Tail bottle release on a weekend I was off, I thought I would go have lunch and pick up a bottle. I met my nephew and one of my great-nephews there and we had a nice visit, watched some World Cup Soccer and had a wonderful pizza.

3Tail Tripel
Appearance (0-4): Pours up a cloudy golden orange with a fluffy white head that leaves nice lacing on the sides of the glass. 3 points
Aroma/Bouquet (0-3): Bready malt aroma with hints of citrus 2 points
Taste: Hop/Malt Balance (0-4): Flavor starts off with slightly sweet malt flavor, and finishes with a light hop flavor. Well balanced. 3 points
Aftertaste (0-3): Finishes with a subtle bitterness on the back of the tongue, with a hint of citrus on my breath. 3 points
Mouthfeel (0-3): Full bodied and strong carbonation. The carbonation helps lighten the heavy alcohol of this beer. 3 points
Overall Impression (0-3): Another great beer from Freetail. I know this has some alcohol, but it's very drinkable, and makes me wish I'd bought ten bottles. It's smooth and easy to drink. Probably too easy, which makes me glad I only have one bottle. 3 points
Total: 17 Points
Labels: Beer Review, Freetail Brewing Company
posted by hiikeeba at 06:39

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