Peach Wheat Tasting notes

I sampled the Peach Wheat the other day. Note to myself: This brew doesn't need priming sugar! The combination of wheat beer and peach extract produced a super carbonated beer!
AHS Peach Wheat
Appearance (0-4): Orange-gold with amber highlights. Creamy, white head has a reddish cast to it. Is it peach colored? Is it my imagination? Head dissipates rapidly. 2 points.
Aroma/Bouquet (0-4): Peach aroma dominates. Sweetish smell reminds me of peach cobbler, or maybe peach ice cream. 3 points.
Taste: Hop/Malt Balance (0-4): Malts and hops are definitely second fiddle to the peach flavor. There is a bit of hop bitterness that makes it through. A slightly sour taste makes me wonder if I have a contamination issue, or if the peach extract is slightly sour. 3 points.
Aftertaste (0-3):Aforementioned sour taste, followed by slight peach flavor. Hop bitterness on the back of the tongue. 2 points.
Mouthfeel (0-3): I think it's just right. 3 points.
Overall Impression (0-3): Peaches and wheat beer are a sure sign of summer. Too bad it's not clear and it's overcarbonated. 2 points
Total: 15 points
Labels: Peach Wheat
posted by hiikeeba at 16:02 0 comments