MGD Computer - Really!

Step One: Empty an 18 pack of beer.
Step two: Make a computer out of it.
Thanks to the folks over at TechEBlog, here's a story about a MGD computer.
posted by hiikeeba at 06:28 0 comments

The adventures of a beer lover, brewriana collector and homebrewer in the Texas Hill Country
Step One: Empty an 18 pack of beer.
Step two: Make a computer out of it.
Thanks to the folks over at TechEBlog, here's a story about a MGD computer.
Have you ever gone to the beach, carried the cooler all the way to the water's edge, only to discover you didn't bring a bottle opener? Well, never again: Bottle opening sandals.
While I can understand the challenge of building a robot that can pour a bottle of beer, I just don't get the practicality.
It is cool, though.
I got the beer kegged finally. Things have been so crazy that I just let it sit in secondary for an extra week or two. I tasted the beer again, and the licorice notes from the anise seed were still the dominant flavor, but it wasn't overpowering, as I thought it would be.
I let it stand at room temperature for a week to carbonate in the keg. Last Monday, the keg went into the cooler to age. I won't tap it for another week.
If you've ever wondered about beer's divinity, read this blog entry. Then take a trip over to Beer Church.
While I doubt you have tried all 32 ways, I know you've tried at least 20 ways.
I'm a big fan of beer gadgets. And for some reason, I particularly like beer holsters and carriers. Here's one from the Red Envelope site, that is, sadly, out of stock.
I say we should all email them asking when they will have more!
What holds a case of beer, 8 pounds of ice, and a driver up to 250 pounds; and can go up to 15 miles?
Why, only the next evolution of personal vehicles: the Cruzin Cooler!
Are you tired of carrying your cooler to all the events you attend? Now you can ride it! Prices range from $349 to $499, and come in blue, red, black, yellow and white. And, you can get one with seats and you can get a trailer!
How did we survive without this?
Last week, I spotted Beach Bum Ale at Fredericksburg, Texas' CCrawfish Festival. I sampled it and it was a nice beer. I asked for others to give me some information, and Donavan found it at
Donavan commented that this wasn't really a craft beer. He's right, of course. But it's nice to see A-B doing something other than fizzy yellow water.
Over the weekend, I visited Fredericksburg, Texas for the 8th Annual Crawfish Festival. At the bar, I discovered Beach Bum Ale. I didn't have my camera, so I couldn't take a picture of the tap marker. It was a good beer. Anyone have any info?
Andrew Morbitzer was waiting in line to buy beer on Sunday when the souvenir of a lifetime plopped into his hand: home run ball No. 715 by Barry Bonds.
Here's a link to the story.
Czech scientists say they have created non-alcoholic beer that contains 10 times the normal amount of phytoestrogen. Scientists have known for some time that hops used to make beer naturally contain phytoestrogen, a form of the oestrogen hormone found in plants.
“Czech women lack oestrogen in their diet, so we wanted to solve this through beer because the Czech Republic is number one in the world for beer consumption,” Karel Kosar, managing director of the brewing research institute said. Czechs drink an average 161 litres of beer each every year, compared to 121 in Germany, and 84 in the US.
Is there anything beer can't do?
Last year, a realtor discovered a townhouse in Ogden, Utah that held 70,000 empty Coors Light cans. The tenant, who otherwise was a model tenant--he was never late with his rent and her never complained, has been able to quit drinking, and is back on his feet.
If you're curious, that's a case a day!