Kollaborationsbiermittschechischemhopfenundwilderbakterienhefekombination literally means “collaboration beer with Czech hops, wild yeast, and bacteria” in German, according to the press
release. I will take their word for it and I'm sure there will be a pronunciation contest at some point.
The wort was produced at Live Oak Brewery in East Austin, and then trucked to the West Austin Jester King brewery, where that special Jester King blend of wild yeast and bacteria was added. It clocks in at 4.2% alcohol.
The beer will be available tonight at the tasting room, but not for long. There will only be 1000 bottles available.
Could I get someone to bring me one back to Paradise? I have to work today and tomorrow.
Labels: Jester King Brewery, Live Oak Brewing
posted by hiikeeba at 08:00

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