20 May 2011

Grape Juice - Kerrville, Texas

Suffering, as I do, at the edges of the Great Texas Craft Beer Desertâ„¢,  I often find succor at Grape Juice, 623 Water Street in Kerrville, Texas, just a few short minutes from Paradise.  It has the best beer selection within 30 minutes of my house.  Today, there was Maui Brewing IPA, Brooklyn Lager (Shit!  You can't get this outside a Texas city of at least a million people, but here it is in Kerrville.  I think it's because they are on the Interstate.), London Pride, Lagunitas Wilco Tango Foxtrot and Undercover Shutdown, Oskar Blues Gordon, and another dozen beers on tap.  There are beers here that, even though they are supplied by the same vendors, I can't get at Okotberfest in Fredericksburg.  I mention them and the distributors look at me like I've been smoking something very potent.  But I can drive twenty minutes and buy it on tap.

Have I mentioned I hate distributors?

Next time you are in Kerrville, stop in and see what they have on tap.  It will be an awesome selection and noting like I say today, except for London's Pride.  You can find an occasional Southern Star, usually some Jester King, and always something from Real Ale on tap.  Although, I must ask, how did Southern Star find their way here?  They're in like fourteen states, but in only four Texas cities.  How did they get to Kerrville?

Darrell, one of the bartenders, is impossibly young.  But he knows his shit.  Tell him Jeff sent you.


posted by hiikeeba at 04:20


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