04 December 2009

Drinking Beer Helps Your Heart

A recent study reported that light drinkers (a bottle of beer every other day) have a 35% less chance of a heart attack than neo-prohibitionists. Moderate drinkers (a couple of pints of ordinary bitter a day) had a 54% lower risk. Heavy drinkers (those drank up to six pints a day) had similar results. And even people like me who might consume more every day have a similar result.

Well. As on of my friends put it: "It is comforting to know that my heart will keep beating until the cirrhosis kicks in."

Thanks to the Brookston Bulletin for the heads up about this article, and check out the comments for a very interesting discussion about binge drinking. If you are concerned about Neo-Prohibitionist's attacks on alcohol consumption, you need to be reading the Brookston Bulliten.


posted by hiikeeba at 07:36


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