Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat expands market
Chippewa Falls subsidiary of Miller Brewing Company, Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company introduced its wheat brew, Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat, to Austin and the Dallas/Fort Worth area in late 2006. It finally made its way to Fredericksburg and I, for one am very happy.
I'm a big fan of Coors Brewing Company's Blue Moon beer, so I thought I'd give Sunset wheat a spin.
Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat
Appearance (0-3): Light golden color with a thick creamy head. 3 pts.
Aroma/Bouquet (0-4): Intense spicy aroma rolls away from the glass in waves! Slightly sweet smell and earthy/yeasty background. There's a hint of orange but no hop aroma. 3 pts.
Taste: Hop/Malt Balance (0-4): Very subtle hop and malt flavor. Coriander spice is dominant, accented by sweet orange flavor. 3 pt.
Aftertaste (0-3): Sweet cistrusy finish with lingering licorice like finish. 3 pts.
Mouthfeel (0-3): A little thin. 2 points.
Overall Impression (0-3): Sampled after a Blue Moon. The coriander/anise (?) kicks this through the roof! 3 points.
Total: 17 points
I can't recommend this beer enough. The flavor of the spice is beyond description!
Labels: Beer Review
posted by hiikeeba at 16:22 0 comments