Open The Taps Call to Action - SB1386
Open The Taps, the beer consumer lobbying group, has issued an important call asking you to contact your Quokerwodger (a wooden toy that moves when a string is pulled, and, by extension a politician who does what lobbyists pay him to do) about SB1386:
SB 1386 UpdateSB 1386, the bill that would allow consumers to buy directly from breweries for off-premise consumption, is currently delayed.OTT members and friends:As you may have seen on Twitter or Facebook, the planned-for-today Senate hearing for SB 1386 was postponed, and we need your help to get it back on track!Just to recap: SB 1386 would allow consumers to purchase up to two cases of beer per month directly from breweries (think of special, limited releases or a six-pack after a tour, for example). You have consistently emphasized the importance of this as members of Open The Taps, and we strongly support this bill.The postponement reportedly comes due to some distributors pressuring some members of the committee to make this issue into a big fight. As a result of these distributors' actions, the Business & Commerce Committee has decided to delay the initial hearing and discussion, most likely until next week.WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please, contact your Senator immediately, via phone if possible, especially if they are a member of the B&C Committee (Listed below).Senator Kevin Eltife (chair & author of this bill - SD 1): (512) 463-0101 / (903) 596-9122Senator Brandon Creighton (vice-chair - SD 4): (512) 463-0104 / (409) 838-9861Senator Rodney Ellis (SD 13): (512) 463-0113 / (713) 236-0306Senator Don Huffines (SD 16): (512) 463-0116Senator Charles Schwertner (SD 5): (512) 463-0105 / (512) 863-8456Senator Kel Seliger (SD 31): (512) 463-0131 / (806) 374-8994Senator Larry Taylor (SD 11): (512) 463-0111 / (281) 485-9800Senator Kirk Watson (SD 14): (512) 463-0114Senator John Whitmire (SD 15): (512) 463-0115 / (713) 864-8701We need phone calls and we need them badly. Let's not let this bill get stalled because a few big distributors have more ears than the residents of Texas.Contact Open The Taps
Open The Taps
15702 Brookvilla Dr
Houston, TX 77059
posted by hiikeeba at 03:00 0 comments